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How To Play Blackjack For Beginners

How To Play Blackjack For Beginners

When used, jokers often count as “2” or “12”, instead of “1” or “11”. Some variations of California Blackjack skirt bans against blackjack by requiring players to build hands as high as 22, instead of 21. In that case, jokers which count as 2/12 are quite valuable.

At this point, you may choose from a variety of actions. At designated tables, players may double down after splitting pairs, except on a soft total of 21. All this data can be subjected to combinatorial analysis or entered into a computer to play simulated hands of Blackjack – not just a few, but millions and even billions.

Not only can you play the game like in a casino, but you can also see how many times you have won or lost a hand. And that’s exactly how the basic blackjack strategy has been refined over the years. California Blackjack does not have a ‘peek’ for Blackjack step. This means that if the dealer shows an ace or ten, players need to act before they know whether the dealer will turn over a Blackjack hand. In this aspect, the game is more similar to the standard European Blackjack rules

After all players have finished acting on their hands, the dealer reveals his or her down card and draws another card on any point total of less than 17 or on a soft 17. A soft 17 is an Ace and a ‘6’, allowing the hand to be counted as either seven or 17.

A hard 17 is a hand that can only be counted as 17, meaning the dealer must stand. The game begins with each player at the table being dealt two cards face up and the dealer receiving one card face down and one card face up.

Read the Rules below before you attempt to play the game for real money. During the initial phase of the game, the dealer deals two cards to each player as well as himself after each gambler has placed their bets. When the dealer shows an Ace, players are offered insurance. An insurance wager is a bet that the dealer’s down card will be a ’10’, Jack, Queen or King, giving the dealer a blackjack. You may wager up to half of your original bet on the insurance line. If the dealer has a blackjack, you will be paid 2-to-1 on your insurance wager. If the dealer does not have a blackjack, the insurance bet will be collected.

If you find California blackjack played with different rules, those are house rules and you’ll need to adjust. Examples of house rules include decks which use jokers.